Hybrid Futures for European Cinemas

Hybrid Futures for European Cinemas

During the COVID-19 pandemic, movie theatres were forced to shut down and couldn’t do what they do best: provide a live, interactive meeting space for people. Obviously, several AV parties in the Netherlands were working behind the scenes to develop the technical know-how to screen online and hybrid film events. 

Film theatre LUX Nijmegen was one of these organizations. But they realized early on that they couldn’t make their plans work without a serious budget and some guidance in applying for European support. So they came to TrueMotion. 

We helped LUX and their fellow film theatres develop a project plan for the Europa Cinemas’ “Collaborate to Innovate” funding scheme called Hybrid Futures for European Cinemas. Then we guided the consortium through the funding application process. In the end, we secured €100,000 for the project.

The project proposed a new hybrid cinema technology, the Container, which is a white-label platform that gives arthouse cinemas online tools for hybrid streaming and online ticketing. With Europa Cinema’s support the technology has been tested in cinemas through the course of 2021-2023.

Max Sheridan

Copywriter by day. Author of Dillo and God’s Speedboat. Name a bad Nic Cage movie I haven’t seen and I owe you lunch.


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