We work with all creative disciplines — film, performing arts, music, visual arts, design, heritage, literature — in both the private and public sectors. We've secured funding for clients like the groundbreaking pop music platform ESNS, the Dutch National Library, the most immersive VR conference in Europe Immersive Tech Week, innovative digital solutions provider ODMedia, as well as grassroots literary agency Wintertuin and theatre company ZID.

Our portfolio covers just a few of the diverse cultural and creative initiatives that have benefitted from our research and consultancy services.

Literature Max Sheridan Literature Max Sheridan

ENTALE: Exploring New Technology to Advance Literature in Europe

Immer has teamed up with two partners to revolutionise the reading experience for Europeans through the ENTALE app. The two-year project will bring together more than 600 book industry professionals to research, develop, and design an innovative platform that will present at least 24 European literary works in 8 languages using creative new formats.

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cinema, visual arts Max Sheridan cinema, visual arts Max Sheridan


Cineville’s CINERGY has a mission to bring arthouse films to a broader European audience. We helped the initiative secure almost a million euro of European funding to harness cutting-edge data analysis and visualisation tools and expand affordable access to independent cinema.

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performing arts Max Sheridan performing arts Max Sheridan


METAVENUES is tackling the hard questions facing performing arts venues. We helped secure two years of funding for a partnership that will develop innovative ideas that harness technological developments to bring more value to European audiences.

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Dance Max Sheridan Dance Max Sheridan


The European Dancehouse Network has a vision for the future of European dance arts: sustainable, equitable and inclusive. We made sure they got the maximum grant amount possible from Creative Europe to take their project to the next level.

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