We work with all creative disciplines — film, performing arts, music, visual arts, design, heritage, literature — in both the private and public sectors. We've secured funding for clients like the groundbreaking pop music platform ESNS, the Dutch National Library, the most immersive VR conference in Europe Immersive Tech Week, innovative digital solutions provider ODMedia, as well as grassroots literary agency Wintertuin and theatre company ZID.
Our portfolio covers just a few of the diverse cultural and creative initiatives that have benefitted from our research and consultancy services.
ENTALE: Exploring New Technology to Advance Literature in Europe
Immer has teamed up with two partners to revolutionise the reading experience for Europeans through the ENTALE app. The two-year project will bring together more than 600 book industry professionals to research, develop, and design an innovative platform that will present at least 24 European literary works in 8 languages using creative new formats.
Resilience Food Stories
Through visual and written storytelling, Resilience Food Stories aims to open people’s eyes to the connections between the beauty of landscapes, prosperity and happiness of farmers, the quality of our food, health, and the role of food production in climate change.
METAVENUES is tackling the hard questions facing performing arts venues. We helped secure two years of funding for a partnership that will develop innovative ideas that harness technological developments to bring more value to European audiences.
Empower Change-makers for a Harmonious Europe (ECHO)
Empower Change-makers for a Harmonious Europe (ECHO) is a two-year initiative (2024–2026) led by DE/MO designed to foster active citizenship and promote democratic participation through the arts.
The Circle: A European Network of Indie Media Hubs
Over the last five years, Are We Europe (AWE) has been working on innovating the media and journalism landscape across the EU and beyond. Towards the end of 2021, we helped the organisation and their three project partners secure over €844,000 from Creative Europe for The Circle .
Untold Stories
Are We Europe is redefining European journalism by helping young creatives at the periphery of the EU share their stories with the world. We secured the funding they needed to get started.
The European Digital Music Academy (TEDMA)
Stiftung Neue Musik Impulse has been creating innovative classical music experiences since 2017. We helped them secure €286,601 to get their latest project running.
Hybrid Futures for European Cinemas
AV organisations are making immense progress in their pandemic recovery through the use of innovative tools and practices. LUX Nijmegen’s project, Hybrid Futures for European Cinemas, focuses on developing and sharing technology and expertise to facilitate hybrid cinema events.