EU project development & application writing

European funding is the next step for any organisation with European ambitions and can be essential for growing your organisation’s impact.

However, European funding is a landscape that's complex and often hard to work with for time- or resource-poor organisations. Feel confident in navigating the world of EU funding with our support in securing and managing European funding grants.

We offer a range of specialised services.

EU project development

The starting point of any succesful European project is a good idea. We can help you develop your idea into a quality project:

  • Three to five strategic sessions to define objectives & impact, target groups, and activities

  • A concept project outline and implementation plan

  • A draft budget

  • A list of potential partners for your European consortium

EU partner search

A good project can only excel with a quality partnership.

We boast a vast network of potential partners in the cultural and creative sector, which enables us to help you construct the right partnership for your project.

EU application writing

EU applications forms are extensive and require a lot of preparation.

We can provide:

  • A convincing project rationale

  • The project plan and budget in the EU templates

  • Coordination of the administrative and technical requirements with your partners

EU application review

A second pair of eyes can elevate your application. If you've already put together your application, we offer a review service that provides strategic feedback and helps you sharpen your answers.

We also conduct an all-important check on the numbers in your budget.

What does TrueMotion offer?

  • Help in navigating the complex world of EU funding

  • Development of your ideas into concrete EU project proposals

  • Crafting a compelling EU application with a maximum chance of being selected

  • Efficient management of the EU application process


EU fundraising roadmap


EU reporting and administration