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Our thoughts on what’s happening in the cultural & creative sector. Subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates!
Here we go again: Cuts to culture funding in the Netherlands
With an incoming coalition government keen on drastic cuts to arts funding, the Dutch cultural and creative sector is bracing for a rough few years ahead. What can we learn from the lessons of the past?
Creative Europe 2021-2027: 5 things we learned in the first round of applications
Calls for proposals under the new Creative Europe programme are in full swing. Here are the top 5 lessons we took away from helping clients put together applications for a whole range of new cultural and creative projects.
Erasmus+ 2021-2027 is supersized: Does bigger mean better for cultural organisations?
With a wider scope and a doubled budget, the new Erasmus+ offers unprecedented opportunities in education, training, youth and sport. But what can cultural and creative organisations do to get involved in this €28.4 billion programme and help deliver results in a post-pandemic Europe? Actually, a lot.
A new Horizon for the cultural & creative sector: More opportunity, less paperwork
The new Horizon Europe programme promises exciting new opportunities for the cultural and creative sector and a simpler, streamlined process for applications. We take a deep dive into the new framework to find out exactly what this newly launched, €95.5 billion funding source has to offer the CCS.
Building a more resilient democracy and media sector: How Europe plans to recover, transform & empower
Well-functioning democracies are impossible without an independent, pluralistic media sector. Europe is rising to the challenge of safeguarding and revitalising both with two new ambitious action plans.
The European Bauhaus: A new cultural deal for the EU?
How did a short-lived, century-old art movement become a shining beacon of hope for European culture? We explore how Bauhaus is inspiring a new, sustainable movement to help deliver the European Green Deal.
Can arts and culture help create a sustainable future for the planet?
Climate change is a threat to us all, but what if it can be tackled through culture and the arts? In the last of our four-part series on re-imagining post-pandemic Europe, we look at the role of the cultural & creative sector in achieving a sustainable future.
Takeaways from VRDays Europe: Virtual reality enters the mainstream
Virtual reality is rising in popularity, but are Europeans ready to integrate emerging technologies into their daily lives? We report back from this year’s VRDays Europe conference to highlight the good, the bad and the ugly side of extended reality environments.
Next Generation EU & the new MFF: What does the future hold for the cultural and creative sector?
Culture and the arts are still being sidelined in talks around Next Generation EU and the new Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF 2021-2027). Does the answer lie in national resilience and recovery plans instead?
Fake news in pandemic times: How Europe is fighting the swelling tide of misinformation
The ongoing pandemic and increasing news consumption via digital platforms have given rise to the perfect storm for disinformation to thrive across the globe. In Europe, media literacy programmes are front and centre in the fight against fake news.
The Venice takeaway: What we learned from La Mostra and Eurovod
Real-life festivals are back, but they look a little different. Earlier this month, we attended the 77th International Venice Film Festival (La Mostra) and the European VoD Meetings (Eurovod). We bring you our top five takeaways from the events, as well as the most important trends to look out for in the video on demand sector.
Rethinking cultural participation in Europe
Lockdown measures are easing, and we’re now faced with the daunting task of planning our post-COVID societies. The cultural and creative sector will no doubt have a multifaceted role in re-imagining post-pandemic Europe. In the third article of our four-part series, we look at cultural participation.
More plays, but a smaller slice of the pie: How the music industry is failing its creatives
Streaming services rescued the record industry and now dominate music industry sales. But the system doesn’t work for everyone. Artists often find themselves short-changed by compensation models designed to give them a fraction of their dues. But there is hope. Emerging technologies are set to revolutionise the entire value chain, and in the process give artists a fighting chance against streaming giants like Spotify.
Lead, follow or get out of the way: How the CCS is adapting to the digital shift
With sheltering and social distancing measures still in place this summer, Europeans are spending more time than usual at home. Consuming cultural and artistic works is mostly happening online and through digital platforms. But how has the CCS responded to this heightened digital shift? The transition has not always been as smooth as expected.
Boosting European health and wellbeing through culture and the arts
Lockdown measures are easing, and we’re now faced with the daunting task of planning our post-COVID societies. The cultural and creative sector will no doubt have a multifaceted role in re-imagining post-pandemic Europe. In the second article of our four-part series, we look at the impact of culture and the arts on European health and wellbeing.
Digital-first culture is here to stay. But will it replace the real thing?
With the pandemic still affecting Europe, we’ve adjusted to living great portions of our lives indoors. And that includes consuming culture. We examine how well the cultural and creative sector has adapted to the new demand, what cultural works are offered to consumers on digital platforms, and whether the new trend of digital consumption is likely here to stay.
What’s happening in EU cultural policy? A news roundup.
Cultural and creative professionals are not only crucial to the diversity & identity of the EU, they also make a significant contribution to Europe’s GDP. The question is, how much of Europe's next budget will go towards supporting the sector in the months and years to come?
Kickstarting Europe’s post-pandemic economy through culture and creativity
Lockdown measures are easing, and we’re now faced with the daunting task of planning our post-COVID societies. The cultural sector will no doubt have a multifaceted role in re-imagining post-pandemic Europe. In our first of a four-part series look at the impact of the cultural and creative sector on recovering the European economy.
COVID-19 support measures: Is enough being done for the cultural and creative sector?
The cultural and creative sector (CCS), is one of the hardest hit by the pandemic, and is likely to continue suffering long after quarantine conditions have been eased off. We take a look at the emergency relief measures taken by the EU and national governments to safeguard the sector’s future post COVID-19.
COVID-19: The pandemic that triggered a digital shift
The effect of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic on the cultural and creative sector has been palpable and immediate. We examine how the industry is coping, and the innovations that may come of this unprecedented challenge.