Picl International

Picl International

When COVID-19 brought public life to a standstill—and European cinemas had to close their doors—the Dutch initiative “Picl” set the new digital standard for the home cinema experience in Europe.

The Picl model allows for the flexible digital distribution of newly released films where each link in the value chain gains revenue from online sales—unlike the model now used by most VOD platforms. 

When their new model started to gain traction in 2020, the Picl team decided that it was time to take it to cinemas in other European countries. 

But they needed European funding to do it. 

At TrueMotion, uniting segments of the cultural sector is our bread and butter, so we were more than happy to help Picl find the money they needed to sustain their vision: €275,000 in European grants to test their model in Belgium, Spain and Poland!

Max Sheridan

Copywriter by day. Author of Dillo and God’s Speedboat. Name a bad Nic Cage movie I haven’t seen and I owe you lunch.


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